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Alamosa Democratic
Party Platform 2024
adopted March 16, 2024
-Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
-Support representation for US Territories and Washington DC.
-Reverse Citizen's United — money is not the same thing as speech.
-Corporations are not people and should not have the same rights as humans.
-Limit the power of the Supreme Court by:
1. limiting terms of each justice,
2. imposing Congressional limits to judicial review,
3. imposing similar ethic standards on justices of the Supreme Courts as on judges of other
federal courts.
-Eliminate dark money groups.
-All organizations proposing legislation, such as ALEC, must be registered as an official lobbyist
entity and identify its donors.
-Congressional and state legislators must not vote on issues involving government contracts if
they have received donations over $1,000 from invested parties.
-Congressional and state legislators should be barred from individual stock trading.
-Any candidate running for federal office shall be required to disclose his or her last three years of
tax returns.
-Any candidate running for federal office shall not have participated in nor supported an insurrection.
Economic Policies
-Broadband should be managed as a public utility.
-Support creation of a state bank and/or postal savings bank.
-The wealthy should be taxed at a higher rate than the middle class.
-Simplify the tax code.
-Fully fund the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau and IRS.
-End predatory bank junk fees such as $35 overcharge.
-Cap home rental price increases from year to year.
-Hold utility companies accountable for damages they cause.
-Support access to free or affordable higher education.
-Colleges and universities should not be for-profit institutions.
-Support prioritizing educational funding at all levels for rural counties.
-Oppose book banning in public schools and libraries.
-Increase funding for higher education state wide.
-Support an accurate and robust teaching of history and an understanding of Democracy and the
“American Experiment.” Support and encourage lifelong civic participation.
-Adopt a state-wide policy to prohibit new inter-basin water transfers.
-Support reduction of CO2 and methane emissions.
-Change to renewable energy resources.
-Support procedures to save scarce water resources.
-Promote renewable energy to 100% by 2040.
-Keep public lands public.
-Require environmental review of oil and gas drilling and any other significant change in land use.
-Reform mining claims laws.
-Support carbon neutral transit options.
Health Policy
-Support a Colorado and a national constitutional amendment to protect reproductive freedom,
including abortion.
-Support Medicare for All, including dental, vision, mental and behavioral health, hearing, and long
term care services.
-Support termination of Medicare Advantage Plans and all variants of Direct Contracting Entities.
-Keep the VA clinic in Alamosa.
-Prisoners in county jail should have medical benefits.
-Health care is a human right.
Human Rights
-Oppose attempts to restrict voting rights.
-Support governmental housing programs.
-Support rehab and preventative services for drug abuse.
-Support the reclassification of legal limits on amounts of drugs such as fentanyl (4 grams of fentanyl is
more lethal than 4 grams of heroin, etc.).
-Support the bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform.
-Support humane immigration policies, preserve DACA, provide a reasonable path to citizenship.
-Reform police budget to include continued paid expertise in managing mental health crises.
-Ban military-style assault weapons and bump stocks.
-Support red flag laws.
-Support universal background checks in order to buy a gun.
-Protect citizens against unauthorized use/sales of social data.
-Prohibit forced arbitration agreements between customers and corporations.
-Make the child tax credit permanent.
-Ban police officers convicted of excessive violence from transferring to a different police force within the
state (of Colorado) or from other states.
Integrity and Accountability
-Support requiring all candidates and elected officials to act with integrity and be held accountable for
their transgressions.
US Foreign and Military Policy
-Follow laws banning US military assistance to foreign governments that commit human rights violations.
-Work to ban nuclear weapons.
-Create and fund a Department of Peace.
-Ban political contributions from corporations receiving federal government or military contracts.
-Refund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA) for Palestine Refuges in the Near East.
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